Generic Vehicle Architecture
Abstract Solutions were selected in 2012 by the MoD to define and assist in the deployment of the modelling process and strategy used for their Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) Data Model, called up by Def Stan 23-009. The GVA Data Model has now been adopted as a NATO standard, embodied in STANAG 4754 – NATO Generic Vehicle Architecture. It is also being extended to include modules relevant to the Generic Soldier Architecture (GSA), and this all-encompassing model is now known as the Land Data Model (LDM). The LDM is also being incorporated into the next generation of Tactical Communication and Information Systems (TacCIS), known as MORPHEUS.
Land Data Model
Abstract Solutions have developed tailored training for the LDM and GVA Data Model, and delivered this to many organisations over the past few years. Since 2012 we have been contracted, in partnership with the UK MoD and QinetiQ, to direct and manage the evolution of the LDM.
The LDM is a strategic asset, owned by the MoD, comprising a set of highly reusable platform independent domain models that can be configured with data and extended to enable deployment on a wide range of platforms (vehicles and soldiers). Abstract Solutions have also specified and developed a set of model translators to support deployment onto execution platforms based upon DDS, XML and Lean Services. The platform independent models can, of course, be deployed onto any platform, present or future, by means of additional platform-specific model translators. The LDM enables high levels of interoperability and replaceability between components of the various land-based platforms.
Our Professional Services Director, Chris Raistrick, is the MoD designated LDM Coherence Manager, and is a member of the 3-person LDM Change Control Board.
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